Contribution to Ruptela parameter name list

Domasa year ago

Hi, I just found out that Ruptela has shared the list of all the parameters they support together with how to decode them: FMIO list document

Currently not all Ruptela parameters received on Traccar have names and, some are displaying just the raw values of the parameter (usually integer representation). I would like to extend the known parameters list on Traccar with the information in the FMIO list.

How can I contribute? Could you also give some directions on what files should be modified to add these parameters from the FMIO list?

Anton Tananaeva year ago

The problem is that the IO list is not applicable to all devices. What about the old ones where mapping was different?

Domasa year ago

the FMIO list document has a checklist with all IO parameters and on which device they are available. It looks like all devices from old gen 3 (Tco/Pro/Eco3) to newest gen 5 (HCV/LCV/Pro/Trace) are covered:

Anton Tananaeva year ago

What about older models? Are you sure there are no other model types?

Domasa year ago

I'm not sure about older models. Gen 3 would suggest that there were 2 more tracker generations before that :) I looked for information about gen 2 and gen 1 devices, but could not find anything neither on Ruptela's website, nor other telematics platforms. I found one forum post asking for software support for FM Pro2 back in 2015, but they were redirected to install a gen 3 device instead. Looks like other commercial tracking platforms like Wialon support Ruptela devices only from gen 3 onwards.

As I understand gen 3 devices were introduced some time in 2011-2012 and gen 2 were retired around then. There is close to no information about pre-gen 3 devices, which is a bit weird. I'll try asking about older models directly via Ruptela support, though

DiegoA7 months ago

Buen día, alguno ya pudo validar esos datos y si es posible que me indiquen como los puedo agregar
