First check with different (simcard) network ?
We have some protections against abuse on demo servers, which is what I see on your screenshot. Sending a location every second is not a reasonable thing. If everyone does this, demo servers will be dead all the time.
If you really need location every second, you should set up your own server.
Oh, that is good news then, as that may be the reason for the mysterious cease in operation! :)
I will reconfigure the client this evening when the car is back home.
Honestly I did not have the intention to abuse the demo server. Sorry for that. I just did not spend too much thoughts on optimizing data traffic in the first step. Had in mind to see it run well on a drive to work. As that did not succeed, I focused on the platform possibly killing the app ... When I look at it now you are sure right: updates every second are not needed. I believe I had even set the frequency to 300 seconds, but my idea it would be nice to know if the car moves by 10 m is generating updates on the highway every second then ... Sure have to change that. Should I take 1000 m instead? That is quite a distance in a dense city. Okay, maybe together with an angle change of 45°? What would be a smart setting for a car? Of course I can try out myself, but maybe one of you guys with your experience can drop such a suggestion easily?
I recommend experimenting with the settings.
Okay. Will do that. Thanks for your replies! :)
The realistic update value would be 10 seconds or one minute.
Thanks for your feedback. :) I tried 30 seconds frequency, 1000 m and 45° then and saw quite a nice performance. I think that especially the 45° angular sensitivity gave good feedback allowing to increase time and distance even more. Most important of course is that both trips - to work and back - were received now completely and I am feeling great relief to see the app works well on my Chinese aftermarket Android headunit (KSW).
I installed the Traccar client on the Chinese aftermarket Android headunit (KSW) of my car. Assigned always access to location and exemption from battery optimization. In addition I added org.traccar.client to the devices' whitelist and navigation apps configuration. I am happy to see the app is always running - even after restarting the car. Unfortunately the app always stops reporting location after exactly 35 minutes driving to work in the morning. And on the way back in the evening it does not report at all - not even delayed via a buffer. The next morning the app works again as expected and stops reporting after 35 minutes.
I am using the German demo sever from Traccar to rule out misconfiguration of an own server setup.
In addition I installed the client on a smartphone. That reports well without any problem.
Now the Traccar client is not killed on the headunit after 35 minutes - it keeps running. It even continues to show "location update" as on attached screenshot, while the server already does not get such since 12 minutes (and 35 minutes after starting to drive).

The server will also not get the location updates by delay. It will not get them at all. The next morning everything starts again from scratch. Talking about reporting by delay. The app knows to do that on my car. I saw it happening after installing the app and changing SIM card. The app reported all time and location stamps while it was offline when it was online again. All that however happened within windows below 35 minutes.
I posted this behavior first on the BMW Android aftermarket headunit forum as I thought it could be related to the plattform:
But we did not manage to close in on the problem there.
Does anyone here have an idea what I could do to close in on the problem?