are google maps (road , satellite and hybrid) going to stop if we dont update traccar and aquire our own api key

nabil boumimimak2 months ago

i have noticed that google maps in 6.3 became red and require api key , is this means that if we who will still be using old version will expect that google maps to stop working and we should aquire our own api key .
also another question if you kindly answer , i have noticed if you put a group of devices to a user , the new option to know who is it assign to will not work unless you put each individual device to that user.
thank you.

Anton Tananaev2 months ago

If you don't upgrade, you can continue using old Google Maps, but Google might block you anytime. It doesn't depend on us.

As for device users option, I think it currently shows only directly linked users, as you noticed.

nabil boumimimak2 months ago

thank you for your replay ,
i have noticed something else , when i log into a readonly user i get this error of : write error denied -SecurityException.

nabil boumimimak2 months ago
Write access denied - SecurityException (PermissionsService:121 < *:130 < BaseObjectResource:104 < ... < OverrideFilter:49 < ...

This is the error

Anton Tananaev2 months ago

You should check console to see which API failed.

nabil boumimimak2 months ago

it is related to readonly user and its notification token

nabil boumimimak2 months ago

the problem with checking console is that the issue accure only when i try to log from android app , when loging using browser nothing happens.

Anton Tananaev2 months ago

Are you sure you upgraded both backend and frontend correctly to 6.3?

nabil boumimimak2 months ago

Yup that was the issue.
So when i tried both 6.3 server and front-end, now it's working.
Seems to me i m missing something related to how readOnly users are creating there notification token.
If you do have an idea please share it with me.
Thank you.

Rodney Yeo2 months ago

Just use the old Google Map with Traffic Info will do ... Else use OpenStreet Map instead ... :)

Just add Google Map Traffic Jam Layers view on Settings, Server, Preference, 
Custom Map =,traffic&hl=en&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}&s=Ga, 
Default Map = Custom (XYZ),
Timezone = ???/???
nabil boumimimak2 months ago

thank you Rodney Yeo , this was helpfull .

Rodney Yeo2 months ago

Glad it helps as alternative to purchasing Google Map API keys for non commercial usage.

Anton Tananaev2 months ago

Remember that using that tile service is against Google's terms and conditions, unless you have an explicit permission from them.

Rodney Yeo2 months ago

We got permission for R&D purposes as University Education sector.

Anton Tananaev2 months ago

Interesting. Are you sure that's what they gave you permission for? And not normal APIs?