Traccar Device Freezing issue

Anton Tananaev3 months ago

You have to check jstack.

Harshana Srimal3 months ago

Here what I noticed on freezing devices.

when I send STATUS# command it says below

Charging;GPRS:Link Down;NW Signal Level:strong;PPP_STATE:3;GPS:FIXED,SVS Used in fix:4,Signal:35,25,29,31,ACC:ON;Defense:OFF;

but when I connect the same device to another server It says GPRS link Up.

Maurice Oduor3 months ago

Let me also chip in, I am running 6.2 and I am facing the same issue. Device connect to server, they are online but timestamp (server time, fixtime, devicetime) remain frozen. There is no filtering. When I restart the server they all suddenly update to correct time and location. It happens randomly, but mainly affect gt06 protocol. If I downgrade to v5.8, no freezing. I thought it was a problem with my setup so I did downgrade to 5.8, but looks like there is a problem somewhere with v6.2.

Harshana Srimal3 months ago

Thank you so much for your response Maurice. I will try downgrading tonight.

I have a Lot of devices which use gt06 protocol. some of them are working fine. I noticed that the firmware of the working devices are different from others. i was thinking to flash the firmware also. Waiting for the technical support from the vendor. Here I mention the firmware I saw.

Working one: RDA_GO2H_ZKW_02_20230301

Freezed one: RDA_GO2H_HD_V02_20240111_10:15:21

sounds like the new firmware doesn’t support traccar.

Anton Tananaev3 months ago

If you think the problem is with 6.2, provide log samples for both to see the difference.

Harshana Srimal3 months ago

I downgraded the server to 5.8 and still I see the issue. device keep sending login packets and after lot of tries It started to send old locations as well.

My last option is to downgrade the firmware of the device. lets see.

Andres3 months ago

@Harshana Srimal, Good morning, any results from your tests?

Harshana Srimal3 months ago

I contacted manufacturing company and they are troubleshooting the issue. will keep updating the thread.

Andres3 months ago

When you have some time, could you please do a Mysql query to confirm that exactly the same thing is happening to you as it is to me?

Step 1:

SELECT deviceid, COUNT(*) AS count 
FROM tc_events 
WHERE eventTime > '2024-07-30 10:00:00' 
AND type = 'deviceOffline' 
GROUP BY deviceid

Step 2: Select the device IDs that have more than 20 Counts in less than 1 hour (the previous query).

Step 3: Confirm from the platform that it is indeed frozen.

Harshana Srimal3 months ago

after running below command

SELECT deviceid
    SELECT deviceid, COUNT(*) AS count 
    FROM tc_events 
    WHERE eventTime > NOW() - INTERVAL 1 HOUR
    AND type = 'deviceOffline' 
    GROUP BY deviceid
) AS subquery
WHERE count > 20;

I found 1 device greater than 20 offline for last hour and as you said yes Its frozen. But this one is completely different from the issue that I focused. Anyhow I looked into the log file to identify the reason and what I noticed is

2024-07-30 17:59:52  INFO: [Tcee73646] connected
2024-07-30 17:59:54  INFO: [Tcee73646: gt06 < XXX.250.242.86] 78781101086516704214221700001f4200017b5a0d0a
2024-07-30 17:59:54  INFO: [Tcee73646: gt06 > XXX.250.242.86] 787805010001d9dc0d0a
2024-07-30 17:59:55  INFO: [Tcee73646: gt06 < XXX.250.242.86] 7878222218071e113b35c000bfaf0f08936a5b000521019d01f8480079840000000002bf2b0d0a
2024-07-30 17:59:55  INFO: [Tcee73646: gt06 > XXX.250.242.86] 78780522000207180d0a
2024-07-30 17:59:56  INFO: [Tcee73646: gt06 < XXX.250.242.86] 78780a1304f00377020003bc210d0a
2024-07-30 17:59:56  INFO: [Tcee73646] id: 865167042142217, time: 2024-07-29 22:00:45, lat: 6.97900, lon: 79.93264, speed: 3.2, course: 289.0
2024-07-30 17:59:56  INFO: [Tcee73646: gt06 > XXX.250.242.86] 787805130003cae30d0a
2024-07-30 17:59:57  INFO: [Tcee73646: gt06 < XXX.250.242.86] 79790020940a086516704214221741301668887757008994010216688877573800049bb40d0a
2024-07-30 17:59:57  INFO: [Tcee73646] id: 865167042142217, time: 2024-07-29 22:00:45, lat: 6.97900, lon: 79.93264, speed: 3.2, course: 289.0
2024-07-30 18:00:00  INFO: [Tcee73646: gt06 < XXX.250.242.86] 7878312418071e113b3a00019d0101f84800798468000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000538830d0a
2024-07-30 18:00:00  INFO: [Tcee73646] id: 865167042142217, time: 2024-07-29 22:00:45, lat: 6.97900, lon: 79.93264, speed: 3.2, course: 289.0
2024-07-30 18:00:00  INFO: [Tcee73646: gt06 > XXX.250.242.86] 787805240005a57e0d0a
2024-07-30 18:00:06  INFO: [Tcee73646] disconnected

Here I notice that the device has sent the location. So I filtered by 2024-07-30 17:59:55 and I found that the position is filtered by invalid filters.

2024-07-30 17:59:55  INFO: [Tcee73646: gt06 < XXX.250.242.86] 7878222218071e113b35c000bfaf0f08936a5b000521019d01f8480079840000000002bf2b0d0a
2024-07-30 17:59:55  INFO: Position filtered by Invalid filters from device: 865167042142217
2024-07-30 17:59:55  INFO: [Tcee73646: gt06 > XXX.250.242.86] 78780522000207180d0a

Seems like server misconfiguration. I use following filters in my config file. what about yours

<entry key='filter.enable'>true</entry>
<entry key='filter.invalid'>true</entry>
<entry key=''>true</entry>
<entry key='coordinates.filter'>true</entry>
<entry key='coordinates.maxError'>5</entry>
Harshana Srimal3 months ago

After referring the log deeply, I found that the device disconnect the session before timeout. So I used the device on traccar demo server and the situation isn't changed. I feel that its a device fault.

Andres3 months ago

Checking in my logs, no filter is activated, so my problem
It should be different from yours, my current configuration:

<entry key='filter.enable'>true</entry>
<entry key=''>true</entry>
<entry key='filter.duplicate'>true</entry>
<entry key='filter.future'>86400</entry>
<entry key='filter.skipAttributes.enable'>true</entry>
<entry key='filter.skipAttributes'>alarm,ignition,result,status</entry>
<entry key='coordinates.filter'>true</entry>
<entry key='coordinates.minError'>20</entry>
Harshana Srimal3 months ago

if you can post your traccar log here, I can get much better idea. try to filter by IMEI and find out the last session. then filter by session.

Andres3 months ago

Sure here it is:

2024-07-30 12:01:08  INFO: [Tb231da37] connected
2024-07-30 12:01:08  INFO: [Tb231da37: gt06 <] 78781101086247605018123880390009000eae150d0a
2024-07-30 12:01:08  INFO: Event id: 862476050181238, time: 2024-07-30 12:01:08, type: deviceOnline, notifications: 0
2024-07-30 12:01:08  INFO: [Tb231da37: gt06 >] 78780501000e212b0d0a
2024-07-30 12:01:09  INFO: [Tb231da37: gt06 <] 797901579404414c4d313d43353b414c4d323d43433b414c4d333d43433b535441313d43303b4459443d30313b534f533d2c2c3b43454e5445523d3b46454e4345312c4f46462c302c302e3030303030302c302e3030303030302c3330302c494e206f72204f55542c313b46454e4345322c4f46462c302c302e3030303030302c302e3030303030302c3330302c494e206f72204f55542c313b46454e4345332c4f46462c302c302e3030303030302c302e3030303030302c3330302c494e206f72204f55542c313b46454e4345342c4f46462c302c302e3030303030302c302e3030303030302c3330302c494e206f72204f55542c313b46454e4345352c4f46462c302c302e3030303030302c302e3030303030302c3330302c494e206f72204f55542c313b494d53493d3733323130313634313830363430373b49434349443d38393537313031363032333037363234333834373b000fe8f00d0a
2024-07-30 12:01:10  INFO: [Tb231da37: gt06 <] 78780a13450504000200113efd0d0a
2024-07-30 12:01:11  INFO: [Tb231da37: gt06 <] 79790008940004fe0010f4630d0a
2024-07-30 12:01:12  INFO: [Tb231da37: gt06 <] 787829a018071e0d3b1dcf0082ea5a07efc760000c0002dc65000055290000000000099965000e010152f1960d0a787829a018071e0e0f0ecf0082ea5a07efc760001c0002dc65000055290000000000099997000e01000adb7c0d0a787829a018071e0e231acf0082ea5a07efc760001c0002dc65000055290000000000099965000e0100075d200d0a787829a018071e0e3727cf0082ea5a07efc760001c0002dc6500005529000000000008f366000e0100093ef60d0a787829a018071e0f0f35cf0082ea5a07efc760001c0002dc65000055290000000000099965000e0100077c560d0a787829a018071e0f2407cf0082ea5a07efc760001c0002dc65000055290000000000099965000e01000a4a4e0d0a787829a018071e0f380ecf0082ea5a07efc760001c0002dc65000055290000000000099965000e01000637510d0a787829a018071e101024cf0082ea5a07efc760001c0002dc6500005529000000000008f366000e01000a8e0e0d0a787829a018071e102434cf0082ea5a07efc760001c0002dc6500005529000000000008f366000e01000ab9900d0a
2024-07-30 12:01:12  INFO: [Tb231da37: gt06 <] 78780a13450504000200120c660d0a
2024-07-30 12:03:10  INFO: [Tb231da37] disconnected
2024-07-30 12:03:10  INFO: Event id: 862476050181238, time: 2024-07-30 12:03:10, type: deviceOffline, notifications: 0

2024-07-30 12:03:16  INFO: [T63c10b92] connected
2024-07-30 12:03:16  INFO: [T63c10b92: gt06 <] 78781101086247605018123880390009001365710d0a
2024-07-30 12:03:16  INFO: Event id: 862476050181238, time: 2024-07-30 12:03:16, type: deviceOnline, notifications: 0
2024-07-30 12:03:16  INFO: [T63c10b92: gt06 >] 787805010013ea4f0d0a
2024-07-30 12:03:16  INFO: [T63c10b92: gt06 <] 797901579404414c4d313d43353b414c4d323d43433b414c4d333d43433b535441313d43303b4459443d30313b534f533d2c2c3b43454e5445523d3b46454e4345312c4f46462c302c302e3030303030302c302e3030303030302c3330302c494e206f72204f55542c313b46454e4345322c4f46462c302c302e3030303030302c302e3030303030302c3330302c494e206f72204f55542c313b46454e4345332c4f46462c302c302e3030303030302c302e3030303030302c3330302c494e206f72204f55542c313b46454e4345342c4f46462c302c302e3030303030302c302e3030303030302c3330302c494e206f72204f55542c313b46454e4345352c4f46462c302c302e3030303030302c302e3030303030302c3330302c494e206f72204f55542c313b494d53493d3733323130313634313830363430373b49434349443d38393537313031363032333037363234333834373b001446a20d0a
2024-07-30 12:03:17  INFO: [T63c10b92: gt06 <] 78780a130506040002001681390d0a
2024-07-30 12:03:19  INFO: [T63c10b92: gt06 <] 79790008940004fe0015a3ce0d0a
2024-07-30 12:03:20  INFO: [T63c10b92: gt06 <] 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
2024-07-30 12:03:20  INFO: [T63c10b92: gt06 <] 78780a130506040002001790b00d0a
2024-07-30 12:05:18  INFO: [T63c10b92] disconnected
2024-07-30 12:05:18  INFO: Event id: 862476050181238, time: 2024-07-30 12:05:18, type: deviceOffline, notifications: 0
Harshana Srimal3 months ago

what about your timeout settings? seems the sessions end after 1 minute and 58 seconds.

have you configured timeout in your config file?