Different server time on devices

bartlebi3 months ago

Hello! I use 2 similar devices added to the server. In the detailed information I see a different server time parameter for each of them. I am in zone GMT+3, the server has UTC time zone and the devices also have tz 0 set. At the same time the device time and the fix time parameter shows the correct time zone (from the server settings) and time. How to fix it?

Anton Tananaev3 months ago

What and where are you checking? Please provide all relevant details, like logs, screenshots etc.

bartlebi3 months ago

Hi Anton! It seems I messed up with the forum topic selection. I don't know how to transfer. I'm attaching screenshots. I see information in the "More" section of the selected device. On one, as we can see, all time data +- matches. On the second device, for some reason, the server time differs from the real one by three hours. What logs can I provide? I'm attaching some of the latest server logs.
First device
Second device

2024-07-30 09:21:38  INFO: [Tff4c1c7c: h02 >] 2a48512c363032383035303032302c56342c56312c323032343037333030393231333823
2024-07-30 09:21:40  INFO: [T3994d257: h02 <] 2a48512c333030393038343934312c56352c3039323133382c412c353935312e353634352c4e2c333032382e363036392c452c302e30302c3138312c33303037
2024-07-30 09:21:40  INFO: [T3994d257: h02 <] 32342c46464646464246462c3235302c32302c373833362c383235342c343836393534323823
2024-07-30 09:21:40  INFO: Position filtered by Static Distance filters from device: 3009084941
2024-07-30 09:21:52  INFO: [T3994d257: h02 <] 2430090849410921503007245951564406030286070e000182fffffbff02e708840000000000fa141e9c203e83
2024-07-30 09:21:52  INFO: Position filtered by Static Distance filters from device: 3009084941
2024-07-30 09:22:12  INFO: [T3994d257: h02 <] 2430090849410922103007245951564806030286050e000190fffffbff02e708860000000000fa141e9c203e84
2024-07-30 09:22:12  INFO: Position filtered by Static Distance filters from device: 3009084941
2024-07-30 09:22:19  INFO: [Tff4c1c7c: h02 <] 2a48512c363032383035303032302c56312c3039323230362c412c353935372e353730322c4e2c30333032332e303337342c452c3032332e31302c3036382c3330303732342c46464646394646462c3235302c30322c30373833342c3839303623
2024-07-30 09:22:19  INFO: [Tff4c1c7c] id: 6028050020, time: 2024-07-30 09:22:06, lat: 59.95950, lon: 30.38396, speed: 23.1, course: 68.0
2024-07-30 09:22:19  INFO: [Tff4c1c7c: h02 >] 2a48512c363032383035303032302c56342c56312c323032343037333030393232313923
2024-07-30 09:22:32  INFO: [T3994d257: h02 <] 2430090849410922313007245951564806030286050e000190fffffbff02e708860000000000fa141e9c203e85
2024-07-30 09:22:32  INFO: Position filtered by Static Distance filters from device: 3009084941
2024-07-30 09:22:37  INFO: [Tff4c1c7c: h02 <] 2a48512c363032383035303032302c56312c3039323233352c412c353935372e353836362c4e2c30333032332e323634302c452c3030312e36322c3038362c3330303732342c46464646394646462c3235302c30322c30373833342c323236333523
2024-07-30 09:22:37  INFO: [Tff4c1c7c] id: 6028050020, time: 2024-07-30 09:22:35, lat: 59.95978, lon: 30.38773, speed: 1.6, course: 86.0
2024-07-30 09:22:37  INFO: [Tff4c1c7c: h02 >] 2a48512c363032383035303032302c56342c56312c323032343037333030393232333723
2024-07-30 09:22:52  INFO: [T3994d257: h02 <] 2430090849410922513007245951564806030286050e000190fffffbff02e708860000000000fa141e9c203e86
2024-07-30 09:22:52  INFO: Position filtered by Static Distance filters from device: 3009084941
2024-07-30 09:23:07  INFO: [Tff4c1c7c: h02 <] 2a48512c363032383035303032302c56312c3039323330352c412c353935372e353739342c4e2c30333032332e333837362c452c3031392e33362c3039382c3330303732342c46464646394646462c3235302c30322c30373833342c323236333523
2024-07-30 09:23:07  INFO: [Tff4c1c7c] id: 6028050020, time: 2024-07-30 09:23:05, lat: 59.95966, lon: 30.38979, speed: 19.4, course: 98.0
2024-07-30 09:23:07  INFO: [Tff4c1c7c: h02 >] 2a48512c363032383035303032302c56342c56312c323032343037333030393233303723
2024-07-30 09:23:12  INFO: [T3994d257: h02 <] 2430090849410923113007245951564806030286050e000190fffffbff02e708860000000000fa141e9c203e87
2024-07-30 09:23:12  INFO: Position filtered by Static Distance filters from device: 3009084941
2024-07-30 09:23:32  INFO: [T3994d257: h02 <] 2430090849410923313007245951564406030286100e000195fffffbff02e7088d0000000000fa141e9c203e88
2024-07-30 09:23:33  INFO: Position filtered by Static filters from device: 3009084941
2024-07-30 09:23:37  INFO: [Tff4c1c7c: h02 <] 2a48512c363032383035303032302c56312c3039323333352c412c353935372e353734312c4e2c30333032332e343735332c452c3030302e36372c3039362c3330303732342c46464646394646462c3235302c30322c30373833342c323339373723
2024-07-30 09:23:37  INFO: [Tff4c1c7c] id: 6028050020, time: 2024-07-30 09:23:35, lat: 59.95957, lon: 30.39126, speed: 0.7, course: 96.0
2024-07-30 09:23:37  INFO: [Tff4c1c7c: h02 >] 2a48512c363032383035303032302c56342c56312c323032343037333030393233333723
2024-07-30 09:23:47  INFO: [T3994d257: h02 <] 2430090849410923463007245951562006030286090e010146fffffbff02e708930000000000fa141e9c203e89
2024-07-30 09:23:47  INFO: [T3994d257] id: 3009084941, time: 2024-07-30 09:23:46, lat: 59.85937, lon: 30.47682, speed: 10.0, course: 146.0

PS: I just now noticed that the date is also different on the devices and the server.

bartlebi3 months ago

oh no, the date doesn't matter. It's just that the device hasn't been in touch since then, apparently.

bartlebi3 months ago

The topic can be closed. The problem has now been fixed. As I understand it, it arose because the last data was sent before I changed the time zones on the server and devices, so the last data received was recorded by a different time on the server itself. After the device was connected again, the data in all fields matched.