Traccar server are getting the same position every time

hvendrame5 months ago

I've Traccar 6.2 on Docker.
Server 1:

  • Docker with - Traefik and Traccar server.

Server 2:

  • MySql database;

Traefik get requests and send to Traccar server, this have connection with server 2 (MySql).

This is log file -!Ag6WmFC1S-nviJ53IO9_q2pJoJBLrw?e=ENkp4C
Device = 511775991

Now is this device that I check 'send' same position every time.
In this topic -
I think it problem with Suntech 4315u, but we get problem with other device - now is Suntech st310u 2g;

GPRS Online.
When I restart the server, he send updated position.
We have cached positions?

Anton Tananaev5 months ago

Have you check the raw data in HEX?

hvendrame5 months ago

Yes, for exemplo:

2024-07-26 13:33:55  INFO: [Te10e583d: suntech <] 53543330305354543b3531313737353939313b34303b333139493b32303234303732363b31333a33333a35313b37666135323b2d32382e3431303834353b2d3035342e3934313736383b3030302e3030303b3030302e30303b303b303b3139343038343233323b32362e35343b3130303030303b323b313832383b3232383534333b342e313b310d

result -

2024-07-26 13:35:40  INFO: [Te10e583d: suntech <] 53543330305354543b3531313737353939313b34303b333139493b32303234303732363b31333a33353a33363b37666135323b2d32382e3431303834353b2d3035342e3934313736383b3030302e3030303b3030302e30303b303b303b3139343038343233323b32362e34333b3030303030303b313b313832393b3232383534343b342e313b310d

result -


Lat and Long equals.. But device is moving

Anton Tananaev5 months ago

Sounds like a device issue to me.

hvendrame5 months ago

But, why when I restart Traccar server, it work? with updated position

Anton Tananaev5 months ago

Don't know, but there could be explanations. For example maybe device gets stuck, but re-connection fixes it.

hvendrame5 months ago

I try now, restart only Traefik, and It work too. Device update position.

I've suntech.timeout parameter on xml, can I do other thing?

hvendrame5 months ago

server.timeout can help with it?

Anton Tananaev5 months ago

You can try. Let us know.

hvendrame5 months ago

It don't work well Anton.

Can you check this print:!Ag6WmFC1S-nviJ8Eimktb48gcCaryw?e=hp6PMk

return when restart service

homa5 months ago

Hi! I have this promblem too, but I don't understand how debug it.
I have few different devices, sometimes (offen after long offline or long time im zones with electronic warfare) traccar think, what devices send same positions, but if check position from sms, I have true coordinates. I use teltonika and sinotrack.
This trouble can be fix after restart traccar or after remove last position for device in tc_positions and restart traccar.
My configuration: traccar latest (2 active\passive nodes), mysql, haproxy.

Anton Tananaev5 months ago

Have you checked the timestamp?

homa5 months ago

I can't say, but I try use:

<entry key='time.override'>serverTime</entry>
<entry key='time.protocols'>h02</entry>

it is not resolution.
Usually I'm doesn;t near a laptop wen I have this issue, can't debug.
If you can say debug info list for this issue, I try collect it

hvendrame5 months ago

Anton, when device store positions and send It.
How traccar work? Have a queue? Memory cache?

Anton Tananaev5 months ago

Normally it just writes it into the database, but there's also an option for a queue.