Chinese clones and prefixed device ids

Richard Creer2 months ago

As reported elsewhere, my latest ‘TK905’ uses Huaboa protocol, not Watch, and also prefixes the device id on the label with two zeroes.

The Traccar Chines Clones page recommends registering two devices, one with full IMEI and the other one with 12-digit identifier for a similar prefixing situation with the TK103 protocol.

Can someone explain how registering two devices works, please? I’ve simply registered device with id 9876543210 as 009876543210 and it seems fine.

Track-trace2 months ago

Try this it will register the device automaticly when it connects to the server.

    <entry key='database.ignoreUnknown'>false</entry>
    <entry key='database.registerUnknown'>true</entry>
Anton Tananaev2 months ago

You can create multiple devices in the app. With different IDs. And the one that matches actual id will go online.

Richard Creer2 months ago

Ah, thanks, understood.

The tracker I have, labelled a TK905, seems to always zero pad left its id to 12 characters so I need just the one device.

Btw, in the Supported Devices list, you might want to move TK905 from watch:5093 to clones because mine, though in all other respects identical to earlier TK905s, actually uses the Huaboa protocol.

Adrian2 months ago

I have a Chinese watch

Emergency Alarm Report
Remains online
but it doesn't tell me geographical position

I have it programmed on port 5093

Richard Creer2 months ago

Have you looked at the Chinese Clones page? And the log?

Adrian2 months ago

I have this in the device log

Anton Tananaev2 months ago

Looks like your device doesn't have a GPS fix.

Track-trace2 months ago

You should take the device outside and then (after about 10 minutes) send a custom command to the device with the command: cr