TK905 locked?

Richard Creer7 months ago

A year ago I bought several TKStar TK905s, configured them with my chosen APN and used adminip to set the domain and port of an instance of Traccar running on my server. They all worked perfectly and continue to do so.
Recently I bought another, apparently identical, one (Amazon reorder!) and find that I can set my APN and the device's position is correctly reported on the TKStar server. However, when I switch to my server the GPRS side stops - yellow LED solid - and positions aren't reported.
I've tried multiple variations on the sequence of commands including gprs, reset, begin but no joy. If I switch back to the TKStar server it works immediately.
I've even bought, and returned, a different brand TK905. It displayed identical symptoms.
So my conclusion is that now some or all TK905s are locked to the TKStar server.
Has anyone else encountered this and even found a way round it? Or know of a source of TK905s that work as expected.

Track-trace7 months ago

Might be not the same brand / protocol but most 4G gps trackers that use watch protocol are now bound to vendor server ip. It cant be changed through sms etc. Only by flashing with a modified firmware. You could ask the manufacturer if this is the case.

Richard Creer7 months ago

Maybe so but, as I understand it, TK905s use the TK905 protocol, port 5093.
And as I've said they used to work with Traccar otherwise there wouldn't be support for the TK905 protocol!

Track-trace7 months ago

Meaby you do not understand what i am saying. Did you compare the firmware version of the old and new devices ?

Isnt'port 5093 also Watch protocol as shown here ?

João Cortes7 months ago

Bom dia. Tudo bem?
Estou com o mesmo problema, o nosso fornecedor na china passou estas informações para o fabricante, mas ainda não responderam, e sobre personalizar o firmeware, estou a anos tentando conseguir o software e o cabo de comunicação ou a forma correta de trocar o firmeware.
Caso alguem conheça nos passar por favor.

Richard Creer7 months ago

@track-trace I see what you mean nevertheless I have 6 tk905s where you can change the server and one where you can't. Clearly there is something different about them and so what I'm looking for is a workaround.

Or an alternative rechargeable tracker!

Track-trace7 months ago

I do not have a TK905 but it seems that the one where you cant change the server ip has a different firmware. Normally when you have the tools you should be able to see if they use a different firmware. And if so you could flash an older firmware where the server ip can be changed. Since you do not reply to that question about the firmware i guesse that you do not have the cable / tools to connect the device to the computer.

But for a fact i know that 4G GPS watches (which are also Watch protocol) the server ip these days can only be changed when you have the firmware, change the server ip in it and then flash it to the Watch.

Logicly the manufacturer will only give you the firmwares / tools if you have a business relationship with them.

Richard Creer7 months ago

You are quite right, I do not have the tools, nor the inclination, to play around with firmware. I simply want a rechargeable GPS tracker that works with Traccar, like the 6 I have already. Not much to ask, surely?

Btw TKStar/Winnes/Zeerkeer tech support sent me an alternative to the adminip command. That doesn't work either. Then they turned to insulting me!

Richard Creer7 months ago

@joao sorry for the late reply - took a while to find my Spanish dictionary!
And thanks, it's reassuring to know I am not alone.
It seems to me that TKStar have shot themselves in the foot over this one. Afaik they don't make anything out of their server so, by removing the option to point the device at a different server, they are just reducing their market.

Track-trace7 months ago

@Richard, Meaby you can share the alternative here that the manufacturer send you for @Joao who is asking here to try with his device.

Richard Creer7 months ago

@Joao Mil desculpas por não reconhecer a sua língua. Pelo menos eu não pensei que você era italiano!

Richard Creer7 months ago

Well, as I said, the alternative doesn't work but here it is anyway:
When I say it didn't work, I did get a response which led me to think that the APN could also be specified in this command so I tried:
Still no luck.

Actually that command was in response to my question re the other TK905 I bought (and returned) so It's possible that P:BSJGPS is a password specific to a brand or device model. I'm attempting to establish contact with tech support to find out.

Richard Creer7 months ago

PS The only reason they gave me that command was because I was questioning why adminip123456 5093 wasn't accepted.

adminip123456 5093 is accepted but turns off GPRS. However adminip123456 7700, which is the server:port for the TKStar server, does work and turns GPRS back on again.

João Cortes7 months ago

Bom dia. Tudo bem?
Vou tentar este comando Richard, se funcionar nos meus tk905 aqui, posto o resoltado.
Espero que funcione!
E aqui nos falamos o portuges-Brasil


Richard Creer7 months ago

Eu deveria ter adivinhado – mais falantes de português no Brasil do que no resto do mundo combinado. Boa sorte com esse comando.