TracCar Server receive data from GPS tracker and submit data to SinoTrack Server too for tracking

Rodney Yeo2 months ago

Is there such a features for TracCar Server to receive data from SinoTrack GPS tracker and also re-submit data to SinoTrack Server too for tracking too.

Idea is to use TracCar Server as the backup redundancy server data capture and acts as reversed proxy to re-submit GPS data from SinoTrack Tracker.

Is this solution feasible? We can set the url to the external sinotrack ip and port at TracCar Device profile.

Reason for this is because gps tracker only accept one ip and port for data submission.

Anton Tananaev2 months ago

Yes, you can forward the data.

Rodney Yeo2 months ago

Great! How do I go about that forwarding of the gpa data setup? Is it at TracCar config xml file? Or at TracCar Manager, Settings, Device properties?

Anton Tananaev2 months ago

Configuration file.

Rodney Yeo2 months ago

Ok. Got it. Thanks alot!

Rodney Yeo2 months ago

BTW SinoTrack GPS Tracker does not support URL only IP for server platform.


Anton Tananaev2 months ago

That's exactly what we're expecting as well.

Rodney Yeo2 months ago

Luckly, SeeWorld and iStarTek GPS Tracker supports URL and IP for server platform parameters. Then DDNS URL can be use with Home TracCar Server.

Rodney Yeoa month ago

I have just accidently found the solution to setting ST-906L and ST-904L SinoTrack device trackers to accept Domain Name format but it can only be set using TracCar Device Custom Command Upload function and not via SMS command send method which failed earlier.

8040000 5013

Note: The default pin is 0000 as above following after the command function code 804 for IP.

Rodney Yeoa month ago

Thank you very much Mr. Anton Tananaev for such great tips on Server Forwarding highly sought after features.

   <entry key='forward.enable'>true</entry>
   <entry key='server.forward'></entry>

I was able to create a secondary TracCar server of my real time data sync.

From primary TracCar Server 1 @ where all my GPS Client submit their raw data.

To secondary TracCar Server 2 as live raw GPS data copy for backup redundancy purposes in event the primary server crashes.

I document this concept of TracCar Server Forwarding intended as TracCar Wiki solution for the TracCar community interest.

Thanks a million!

