Rights management

Roylee018 months ago

Hi there,
Is it possible to add a config/settings screen where you can set various rights for the different users?
I'm getting a lot of questions from my users whether they can change computed attributes (for GPS<>odo correction) and changing the current odometer reading. This is currently limited for admin users but I can't keep changing users to admin back and forth as this is a huge GDPR breach if users can login to other users.

I hope there's a possibility for a future release that there can be a sort of rights management screen. Or some options available in de xml that will do the same.

Thanks in advance!

Anton Tananaev8 months ago

Sounds like it's not about a screen, but about changing the permissions. We already have some options under user settings. If you're missing some options, you can submit a feature request.

Roylee018 months ago

Hi Anton,

Thank you for your answer. There are indeed some options under the user settings section but the above mentioned would be great if they can be added.
I will submit a feature request! :)
