It is calculated based on the positions table only.
are there any specific query that can you share?
I have read the code in here :
But how do i get the value of endIndex and startIndex in query of mysql. I can get only the list of position based on fixtime only "select fixtime,address,speed from positions where fixtime BETWEEN '2016-11-19 00:00:00' AND '2016-11-19 23:59:59';" but on what indicator says that this is the start and the end. and also how to get list of trips if device made many trips.
It's in the same class. Check "detectTrips" method.
Just found out in the site. sorry.
Hi Anton,
In what value do i have to key-in in traccar.xml?
report.trip.minimalTripDuration - is it in time? seconds is equal to 1 = 1 second?
report.trip.minimalTripDistance - is it in km or kn
report.trip.minimalParkingDuration - is in time?
report.trip.minimalTripDuration in seconds
report.trip.minimalTripDistance in meters
report.trip.minimalParkingDuration in seconds
thanks for a great software. i'm just using traccar(3.7) for backend only and developing the frontend. Java is not my forte. My questions is, how do I calculate trips from query (MySQL) only? is it the combination of 'positions' and 'events' table. Can I use 'events' table and the detail query can be pick up from 'positions' table.