
douglasmelo8 months ago

Does anyone know I can't see saved commands on my fmb920 trying to configure lock and unlock engine


Anton Tananaev8 months ago
  1. Why would you save those commands? They don't have any parameters.
  2. We don't support those types of commands for Teltonika, as far as I know.
douglasmelo8 months ago

Ok thanks just trying to get teltonika to block and unblock the engine like the GT06 I have both GTO6 block and unblock the engine with those commands

Anton Tananaev8 months ago

Using saved commands won't get around the fact that commands are not supported. You have to use custom commands instead.

user pass setdigoutm 1 / 0
Space space setdigoutm 1 / 0

1 Turn off engine.
0 unlock Engine ignition.