Traccar Server

H2 database delete old positions / reduce size whilst retaining device config?2 years agotraccartastic16
Huge wrapper log files sizes8 years agoewsmith7
Multiple Alarms in a single msg7 years agoGalant4
Multiple front ends (due to customisation)8 years agocamrocks9
tk103b8 years agopmc20055
OBD tracker, disregard, post may be deleted,8 years agofonnie2
Litvak Web UI not applied by Traccar org8 years agoalex1234562
Generate an installer just for Ubuntu5 years agoTurbovix14
Text still to translate8 years agoChristopher11
Server dont detect Geofence exit8 years agovipien4
Function in an entry value of traccar.xml8 years agozos933
wiew and export data with DbVisualizer8 years agoregis3
Help own server data storage8 years agoafontolan9
External Database8 years agochmanos6
REST API for IOS8 years agoeuoraf44