Traccar Server

Configuring tracar with nginx6 months agodaniel sarmiento3
trip reported when minimal trip distance not met 6 months agojata8
TCP connections and memory problem6 months agodiagnoz11
warning in calculated attribute6 months agoCristian3
HttpSMSClient6 months agoChris3
Traccar doesnt accept positions but starts get them after restart6 months agodiagnoz11
Traccar fresh install on Ras Pi 5 - No logs + Unable to connect6 months agoBadgerSix3
Traccar reports API on windows error, weird characters as a response, is this a bug?6 months agoclone4
Template Short - customize6 months agotambiu5
ERROR 999 : error : windows could not start the service in local computer 6 months agomaani3
New device x3tech5 months agoRoberto Sousa12
Jimi IoT VL103 LTE S.O.S 6 months agoGiovannic4
Computed Attributes can no longer access device attributes6 months agomemesaregood4
blank screen6 months agoemmanuelh6
Wanway s20 notification problem solved6 months agoJeruso3