Traccar Server

How can I set up notifications to only send when the status changes?4 months agoDon4
PUSH Notifications Traccar 6.54 months agoChristian Vidal Martinez6
Enable reverse geocoding by user4 months agoAmado3
Notifications for Watch Protocol not "completely" working4 months agoRWebZ6
Error log when sending a notification4 months agoCristian2
Why Traccar's logs empty?4 months agoDon2
Why the ignition always show ON?a month agoDon3
How to assign Driver to Devicea month agoSJ9
Server forward ( raw data )4 months agoCraenista11
Understanding Notifications and groups4 months agoFantanchero2
Issue with GT06 Device on Traccar Server - Only Receiving Login Data, No GPS Data4 months agoTejas Bhatt2
Motion reporting when the car is parked5 months agokiko4
Nginx server with 502 error4 months agodaniel sarmiento10
How do I add a new table to a database?5 months agomac4
Notification delay5 months agoNiraj Singh2