Traccar Server

freezing in latest3 months agoRafail Stratiotis15
traccar update3 months agoamipub6
Negative travel distance in trip report3 months agouser8762
Traccar 6.4 on Windows, Issue with GT06 Protocol3 months agoAndrew5
New install on Nginx3 months agoAnders12
Como colocar uma imagem fundo no Traccar 6.53 months agodonizete 6
Issue with COBAN 405, it's online but is not shown on the map3 months agoDankniel5
Send custom command to JIMI JC450.3 months agoEssam5
Adjustment to Email Notification3 months agojsdgroup3
Error creating new device3 months agoGIS-FACTORY2
SMS provider for send commands19 days agoMiguel Angel Latorre Sanchez2
Geofences in traccar3 months agoemmanuelh1
Firebase error when trying to add a new device on traccar server on latest version 6.53 months agoVedant Dalwi5
Multi-channel MDVR3 months agoRodney Yeo3
Passing through 180th Meridian (International Date Line) wraps the joint the long way around in Reports -> Route3 months agospoortrack2