Traccar Server

v4.15 traccar12 hours ago12052
RegisterUnknown not working12 hours agoJeremy DeStefano2
Geocoder onRequest doesn't seem to take effect20 hours agoVictor Butler16
I can't add a device it's offline2 days agoTomasz12
Issue with Custom Commands in Events vs. Manual Command Sending2 days agoChris5
Teltonik device events2 days agoGIS-FACTORY5
Next major version3 days agoYury GPS2
Ошибка добавления сервера Traccar в Home Assistant 3 days agoblackangel_ivanteeka7
Dedicated Server3 days agogerardo Rocha3
Is there a way to know who has logged into the platform?4 days agoTurbovix3
Teltonika UDP commands2 days agoDaniel12
Provision for calculating road speed while saving the position data4 days agoRishi2
Facing Issue While Creating Installer4 days agoAtulalma2
Уведомление при эвакуации авто4 days agoblackangel_ivanteeka4
forward to server4 days agoVani2