Traccar Client

Traccar Android Client Does Not Report to Server2 years agoq2wyflmz5
Disable when on battery (or enable on power)2 years agomsp_can2
Other apps clienta year agoGb20233
Offline Buffer10 months agosteviehs10
Need help with collect data from client in php-script on hosting (app settings)2 years agoNAgain10
location is displayed incorrectly2 years agolvkk12
experiencing some issues with user permissions.2 years agoSegads2
DragCircle geofence2 years agopdv212
Location jumping around when parked2 years agoluke4
Traccar Client Maps2 years agoChris2
Stopping service gives "Status Unknown" not "Offline"a year agogustavofarias10
Activate traccar client service at certain times and days2 years agoAlex Meléndez3
Traccar client failed to send data through server URL2 years agooctavio15
Proxy/Authentication bypass for Mobile app2 years agoKubaDavid3
Severe Battery drain and Overheating2 years agoLee White4