Traccar Client

Multiple setting questions7 years agoCriccle2
Androids Network Position Provider on some phones not working7 years agoMartin8
Gradle sync failed: Failed to find target with hash string 'android-26'7 years agohtn57235
Xiaomi always offline7 years agoGauta10
resolved - please delete7 years agoCris1
Server URL with iOS App7 years agoescoand4
device and protocol to use7 years agohero5
Error while compiling android client from source code7 years agoashish4
How to edit Traccar Client for Android7 years agohtn57238
Client submitting "future" timestamps, server not updating current position.7 years agoOverkillTASF8
Traccar client still connected7 years agonguyen viet9
manual update of clients7 years agoPhil Foulkes2
Text messages / status update7 years agoPhil Foulkes2
Send failed - iPhone7 years agoLMU30303
iPhone is online, android is offline7 years agohelloworld17