Traccar Client

Client filters out the angle change in the Android App.4 years agoDima7
Android Client SSL4 years agobox3
IOS app rejection multiple times:4 years agoasher1
IOS app rejection multiple times:4 years agoasher2
new google permissions4 years agoRock13
GPS only connect to own server after try on 4 years agoRoman1
change request URL4 years agomaziar3
Geofences Alerts - Traccar client configuration 4 years agoEGMATICS4
Huawei Matepad T8 not sending Data4 years agoJeff3
Problem with Basemap display4 years agoshabbir6
Speed data not getting received it 0 every time?4 years agoshabbir5
Traccar Client for Android 4 years agoCash Zhu2
Compiling error in Xcode for Traccar Client4 years agoAndreas Kern3
Add API Key4 years agoSanjesh4
Update interval always 30s4 years agoManuel3