Traccar Client

Add "contact" attribute in "Sort by" in traccar web interface2 months agoLuc VDN3
Make IOS App3 months agorowl3y4
Android Client Samsung A51. Say app is dangerous. And I cant connect to the server, say send failed. 3 months agoAnders10
battery consumption2 months agoDeborah4
web.override for branding3 months agoruntracc19
Position Accuracy3 months agoSiggiK2
Android client disables if location turned off temporarily3 months agobones3
How does the client app updates the device location4 months agoBruce Yg.9
I want to device status.4 months agosedrf7
Android client frequency and distance3 months agobones4
Default zoom of app in ios5 months agoDavid Cole2
Setting up new Alarms, events and teltonika5 months agoDaniyal2
sending failed5 months agoiouston5
Client app: Motion true with low accuracy5 months agoNick DL6
Is it possible to make the device identifier dynamic in the Traccar client application?6 months agopakoding2