Traccar Client

Live device position updates stops after task-switch or phone sleep (IOS)2 years agox6883993
new installation of client2 years agoAnders Yuran6
Traccar client on Android 13 using much more battery?2 years agoScottTheFalcon3
App Traccar hide version and Miui 132 years agoDave7
Android App frequency report based on device GPS speed.2 years agoalexsahka5
Android 5.1 Client Not Working2 years agoBlake K3
function-Wake Lock2 years agowlodek2
Location issues with an specific device2 years agofederico6
Send failed error6 months agoPerkinje10
traccar from a public ip2 years agoAlexanderITIL2
All my clients stopped working (demo3)2 years agoildar9
OsmAnd Protocol2 years agoMarco11
Server URL format2 years agoAndy Barnard7
Using accellerometer to detect movement and fall/crash3 years agoLeif Neland3
Send failed 3 years agoiotologist2