Traccar Client

offline data reporting2 years agomago113 year agoAlfredoBazo13
Switch client's GPS service on/off ?2 years agoMoonay4
Computed attribute translation2 years agogreendays5
Caching Battery and Ignition2 years agogreendays3
Duration of last stop2 years agogreendays2
Custom parameters sent to server.2 years agoMerlin El Mago2
One phone. Three programs. Different transmission.2 years agoHamilton8
Changing Calendar Plugin2 years agoomid9
Duplicado 2 years agoEmilio1
Deployment issue2 years agoWatanbe3
Android client set server url2 years agoJazz3
App Client Offline statusa year agoRichard11
How to send NMEA data to traccar, or mb there is a client for windows/linux? 2 years agoT-qb5
webview ios not working map2 years agotraccargps13